Essential can certainly mean different things to different people. The dictionary defines essential as “absolutely necessary,” “extremely important,” “crucial.”
The role of the Area Agencies on Aging in the time of any crisis is absolutely essential. The services provided are crucial to the sustained safety and well-being of the populations we commit to serve.
The current COVID-19 situation has been no exception. Even before Aging Ahead formally activated its Emergency Operations Plan, staff began gearing up for what has become an essential lifeline for the older adults of this region.
Essential may also be defined as “indispensable.” Aging Ahead staff most certainly embody that, committing to being on the front lines every day to insure that life sustaining services remain accessible to the older adults and families we are privileged to serve.
In the coming pages you will see compelling highlights of those efforts as well as the impact that our work has had on so many. We have adapted our service delivery models to address the ongoing and ever-changing needs of the community through meal deliveries, telephone check-ins, critical supply deliveries, case management and much more.
In addition to our outstanding staff, I would like to thank our wonderful supporters in the community. We’ve received heartwarming messages of appreciation and encouragement along with donations of all levels to help us meet the increased need for our services. Thank you! These gestures of support have meant the world to all of us here at Aging Ahead.
As we move forward together please…Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected.
Lisa M. Knoll
Chief Executive Officer