Missouri Property Tax Credit (MO-PTC) is available for certain seniors based on rent or taxes they paid for the year (maximum $750 for renters and $1100 for homeowners) and their household incomes. To find out if you are eligible or for assistance with applying for the program, please contact an Aging Ahead Community Options Specialist at 800-243-6060.

Comments 10
Bonnie Conigan
Good evening.I just saw this on my tablet.I am a homeowner and I’d like to know if and how I qualify. Thank you,Bonnie Conigan
Stephanie Patrick
One of our staff members should reaching out to you soon.
Yes I am wanting any and all information in assisting my 90 year old mom who I care for and her home. Any tax benefits for her would be great!
Stephanie Patrick
Please reach out to one of our Community Options Specialists at 636-207-0847.
C. Buzzetta
Hello. Could you please tell me if 2 family members live together ( neither being married), in a home with joint tenancy, and one family member claims the other as a dependent ( because they are paying more than 50% of household expenses for the previous year), would the other family member be qualified to claim the Circuit Breaker tax credit ( this family member pays the Real Estate property taxes, but pays less than 50% of other household expenses for the previous year)? Would you only be allowed to apply for either the Head of Household exemption OR the Circuit Breaker tax credit-but not both, even though one family member qualifies for the Head of household status and the other family member qualifies for the Circuit Breaker tax credit and both of these family members have lived in the same house for 2-3 years? Your help answering these questions would be very much appreciated.
Thank You
Stephanie Patrick
Please contact the Dept of Revenue to answer that question. https://dor.mo.gov/taxation/individual/tax-types/property-tax-credit/ The website does have a live chat function or you can email PropertyTaxCredit@dor.mo.gov
Linda Woods
please contact me about Property tax credit.
Thank You
Linda Woods
Stephanie Patrick
Please contact our agency at (636) 207-0847.
Betty Sullivan
I like to know how can I get or eligible for the Real Estate Property Tax asst.program and what is it about. Thank You
Stephanie Patrick
To be eligible for the Property Tax Credit as a homeowner, income for an individual must be below $30,000 and couple below $34,000. As a renter, individual income must be below $27,500, couple below $29,500. You can find more information at https://dor.mo.gov/taxation/individual/tax-types/property-tax-credit/ or call our Community Options and Services department at 636-207-0847.